Thursday, September 02, 2010

Giant Bubbles

There's really not much to say. The girls got a bubble wand from santa and we've taken advantage of it a couple of times on lazy afternoons. Moira got a little ambitious with the dish soap when I wasn't looking, and there are just some of the pictures of a multi-day bubble bonanza while I tried to make the best of the fact that more than 1/2 a bottle of dish soap got squeezed into the mix. Moira and I usually get about an hour of 1-1 time when Kiah's napping so I try to find some fun things to do with her.

We purchased an additional giant bubble maker with promises of 3ft bubbles, but we haven't quite figured out the right soap mix. You can be sure that there will be pictures once we have success.


Addie said...

That looks like so much fun! You've got to bring it for camping - I might even let the kids take a turn. :)

Nicola Leeja said...

It looks like you guys had a great trip!