Ross and Paul enjoy an afternoon cigar
Hmmm . . . maybe we should look at the directions
Ross and Paul enjoy an afternoon cigar
Hmmm . . . maybe we should look at the directions
My friend Aaron went to sheep herding with us last week and afterward we met a friend of his and took his plane for a quick trip. It felt and sounded a little like launching a volkswagon bug into the air, but it was pretty cool and I even got to fly for a bit. I've never been up in a small plane before and it was quite a different experience from large passenger planes.
Moira inspects the cabinets
If you see a good deal on craigslist or know anyone looking to get rid of any of the following let us know!
Need to have
help updating the breaker box (if you're interested I'll send you the inspetion report)
washer/dryer done, yeah for craigslist
lawn mower and weed eater
a few light fixtures
curtains for downstairs (I'm making these so Jo-annes coupons and gift cards or sewing help would rock)
mini blinds for upstairs
extension ladder
regular ladder
Nice to have . . .
100 yellow daffodils, and any other flower bulbs
book shelves x3
oak stereo cabinet with door (to keep little fingers away from the buttons)
wheel barrow
. . . and the teeter-totter.
If you ever need to be the pied piper of toddlers I strongly recomend bubbles, lots and lots of bubbles. The kids drop whatever they are doing and come running when the teacher puts on the bubble song!
In addition to all this there's some snackin' and singing. The best part is that Moira always takes a HUGE nap after school!
5. I have horrible eyesight . . . I'm a devout contact wearer so very few people have ever seen me in my glasses. I actually got a hip pair in Capitol Hill after we moved to Seattle so I don't mind them as much, but generally I only wear them when I'm sick. I'm too blind to get the eye surgery so until science advances enough I'm stuck with my contacts.
6. I take a ridiculous amount of pictures. Most of them are of Moira or Kess. It's very hard to delete pictures of you're baby. As if to say that she wasn't cute enough at some particular moment and therefore it warrants the trash bin.
7. I'm a tv addict. While we don't have cable we do have rabbit ears and in Seattle that gets you all the major channels and PBS. I've also discovered most of the shows I like are online now. I could watch tv for hours on end. Luckily this summer I've been able to read instead of watching quite so much tv. I go through 1-2 books a week. Thank goodness for libraries.
8. I wanted to come up with something really spectacular for the last one, but I can't. So here's several quick random facts. I was born in Vredenburg, South Africa. I grew up in Texas. I played the violin for 5 years, but stopped when we moved and my new school didn't have an orchestra. I like putting videos on youtube . . . I check them often for comments and to see how many views they've gotten It took me 10 years to get a degree in Biology with an emphasis in Zoology, and I don't think it will ever get me a job. I guess that's all. I don't really have anyone to tag but my sister Nicola Liebsch.