Tuesday, October 09, 2007

potatoes and pumpkins

We headed out to a pumpkin patch as part of a "family activity" for Moira's toddler group. Moira wasn't terribly impressed with the pumkins, but she had fun clowning around with dad and petting the goat.

Moira's favorite toy right now is a potato. She has three of them, but one potato in particular is her favorite. She carts it around all day in a measuring cup or bucket. She decided to have a nice snuggle with it this morning.


Addie said...

That is the most awesome thing ever! I want a pet potato too!

Keeley said...

The original mr. potato head toys came with just the parts and you used a real potato. I wonder how Moira would react if you starting sticking eyes and noses on her potatoes...

Gabe said...

Those eyes and noses will start appearing on their own pretty soon. I think she needs a nice shiny pet rock. I'll get to work on that.